Virginia Offshore Fishing - What to Expect


If you go Virginia offshore fishing the waters off Chincoteague offer a variety of opportunities for offshore fishermen. Spring weather is usually very windy and boats don't often get to fish outside the inlet in the early season.


Lets dive right in.


What To Expect When Virginia Offshore Fishing


When a calm day presents itself anglers can catch tautog or sea bass over local shipwrecks and artificial reefs.


Monster Bluefish


By June, monster bluefish arrive and are often present in enormous numbers along the 20 fathom line. This usually amounts to a 25-30 nautical mile trip from the inlet.


Here Come the Sharks


Days behind the bluefish are several species of sharks, the most sought after being the Mako. Sandbar, tiger, thresher, blue, blacktip, bull, hammerhead and other sharks also begin to appear about this time.


Baiting the Sharks in Virginia Offshore Fishing


Local anglers attract sharks by chumming with ground fish then using wire leaders baited with whatever bait can be attained. Fresh baits like bluefish, trout, mackerel, bonita or false albacore are preferred.


Tuna Now Appear


By mid-June tuna often appear off the coast. Bluefin tuna prefer cooler water and usually arrive first.


In the early fishing season bluefin are caught among the various bluefish by trolling. By July many anglers switch tactics and fish for tuna with cut butterfish.


Yellowfin And Dolphinfish


About the same time yellowfin and dolphinfish begin to appear and many anglers troll for them as far out as Washington, Poorman's and Norfolk Canyons.


Some of these Virginia offshore fishing trips can exceed 70 nautical miles although good fishing is often just 25-30 nautical miles from home.


Marlin And Wahoo


Late summer usually brings changes. Better fishing is likely as tuna school up and develop a bigger appetite. Marlin, wahoo and large dolphinfish are also more likely. Another big factor is hurricane season.


Weather Is a Factor


Some years you will enjoy good late season weather and others we wait as systems work off the coast. Patient anglers usually get a few nice days and enjoy good Virginia offshore fishing into the fall.


Sea Bass, Flounder and Tautog


By October most ocean going anglers turn their attention back to sea bass, flounder and tautog. As the waters cool further, red drum and striped bass or "rockfish" migrate down the coast.


Virginia Offshore Fishing Season Ends


By this time fishing has ended and most anglers either retire or begin fishing inshore for striped bass which goes on throughout the winter months.


If you decide to go Virginia offshore fishing you will not be disappointed with the experience.


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