Small Boat Cruises – Some Do’s and Don'ts


Doesn’t the idea of going on small boat cruises in wonderful old boats sound nice? Here are a few things to think about before you sail away.


Let's dive right in and look at small boat cruises.


Before Going on Small Boat Cruises

1. Do Check The Price of Small Boat Cruises


It may be possible to take an actual, fairly luxurious cruise instead of sailing on a smaller to medium size sailboat.

2. Do Check The Size of Your Room


Do make sure you fully understand the size of your "room " on small boat cruises.


If you are hoping to have any romantic action in your cabin it would be good to know ahead of time that you and your partner each have a small bunk and these bunks are not on the same wall.

3. Do Know If You Can Stand Up


If you are looking at small boat cruises do know ahead of time if you and your partner can both even stand up at the same time in your "room" on the boat. If the answer is "no" consider other options.

4. Do You Have Your Luggage


Don't leave on small boat cruises without checking more than once to make sure you have your luggage. Even though you carefully packed all the luggage, did yours actually make it to the boat?


If not you will have a fantastic time with no changes of clothing and nothing warmer than a sweatshirt. Don’t leave without all your luggage!

5. Don't Get on The Boat If


Don’t get on a boat where the crew is planning on having a lot of assistance from you and the rest of the paying customers. Like, for instance, doing your own dishes or pulling in ropes and such.

6. Don't Think You Will Get Everything


Don’t think you will get everything outlined in the brochure when on small boat cruises. Will you ever go onto land during this excursion or will you just ride around and around on the boat being quite sure you’ve seen that same shoreline five times in three days.


Do ask the boat crew if you will ever see any of the sea creatures promised and what about the island lobster bake?

7. Don't Plan on a Real Bathroom on Small Boat Cruises


Don’t plan on real bathroom facilities and do ask where the shower is.

8. Don't Like Small Spaces


Don’t even think of going on small boat cruises if you don’t like small spaces. Not only is the berth area minuscule, there is no other place to play games or cards except the galley. Which is also tiny and often being used to fix the meals.

9. Do Consider Working While Paying for It


Do consider this boat trip if you enjoy working while on a very expensive vacation in the smallest accommodations imaginable while possibly seeing no sea life and not eating promised lobster!

These are some do’s and don'ts to consider when thinking of going on small boat cruises. So do your homework.


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