Flipping For Bass – A Deadly Method for Catching Them


The Flipping for Bass technique has largely replaced the technique of pitching in some quarters. But the technique remains the same ultra precise, deadly method of catching large bass in cover that Californians Dee Thomas and Dave Gliebe first brought East over 40 years ago. This was a technique that revolutionized the sport.


Let's dive right in.


The Revolutionary Technique of Flipping For Bass


When the technique of flipping was introduced to the fishing world it was the most effective method ever. Many fisherman learned that flipping was an amazingly accurate way to get the big bass out from under cover.


It was such an outstanding weapon the fisherman from the west were the warriors in the early and mid 70s. Bass pro fisherman Roland Martin says flipping for bass changed everything. Suddenly we had a way to get a bait to big bass in some bad places.


The virtues of flipping for bass have not changed. Bass fisherman fishing for the bigger bass always pays off when they are flipping for individual bass instead of schoolies. Individual fish are normally bigger fish. They’ll hold onto the most unusual piece of cover in the area. They stake out their own territory.


You Need To Master It


If you are going to be a serious bass fisherman, you will have to master the flipping for bass technique. That’s what the pros say. It remains a major part of bass fishing throughout the year.


The bass pros know the merits of flipping for bass are well known. The bass pro fisherman know that technique isn’t just limited for spring and summer when bass are most likely to bury under cover. Unless the water where you live freezes over in winter, there is an application for this close quarters fishing technique throughout the year.


Here’s a look at where experienced flippers concentrate their efforts on flipping for bass year around.


When flipping for bass in the summer it tends to be a little bit better, especially after the spring rains where the water is still high. Also the bass pro says fishing vegetation, downed tree’s and branches when the water is high after the spring rains is great for success.


Flipping For Bass on the Thickest Matts


Many pros use the flipping for bass technique on the thickest mats during the hottest times in the summer with a lake fork trophy tackle craw tube teamed with a 1 ounce tungsten weight and 80 pound test spiderwire braid.


During the dog days of summer the fish are in grass lines on points and main lake cover. When you are fishing in the fall, flipping for bass into creek channels becomes more productive.


Fishing the channels in the fall is good because of the migration of baitfish in the channel. There are always fish in channels. But in late summer and early fall the channels play a huge role in finding the most productive fishing areas.


When Bass fishing in the fall the bass are going to be on thick grass and hydrilla and matted hyacinths.


There Are Things to Key In On


The pros are going to key in on stuff. They are going to be flipping for bass on isolated patches of grass and hyacinths or hydrilla. And even wood. Some of them spend most of their time flipping in the backs of creeks throughout the fall.


When the pros are flipping for bass in the winter they will fish areas in muddy, highly fertile lakes, where the bass population doesn’t usually live very deep, to surprisingly deep cover. Some of the pros will tell us that they use a 1/8 to 3/16 ounce Berkley jig with a big power frog trailer to get a slow descent to entice sluggish coldwater fish.


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