Fishing with worms remains a popular way of catching fish. There are many ways to have these little crawlers ready to go for your next fishing trip. One of the oldest and most used methods has been a crawler bin at your home.
Let's dive right in.
Raising and Fishing with Worms
To start fishing with worms you first need to set up a crawler bin to store and raise them in. A crawler bin can be as simple as a 3x3x3 planter box or even ½ a wine barrel filled with good soil.
Try to stay away from unnatural materials like metal or plastic, as they can heat up faster than containers made from natural materials.
If you plan on having your box above ground, remember that crawlers prefer the dark. So don’t use transparent materials.
My grandpa loved to go fishing with worms and he had a box buried in the ground at the back of his house. He had strategically placed it near the house, in a shadier flowerbed. This method accomplished a couple of things.
First, it kept the worms in a central location and ready to quickly dig up for the next time he went fishing with worms. Second, it insured that the worms would not get too hot in the summer months. And third, the out of the way location meant nobody would trip and fall into it.
Worms can pull a Houdini
If you decide to put your box in the ground, be sure not to have the soil go all the way to the top or your worms will pull a Houdini and escape.
After each fishing trip, when fishing with worms, Grandpa would put the unused crawlers back into the box. This way he always had crawlers on hand for the next fishing trip.
That is one way to stock your worm box. The other is to order a batch of worms from a worm farm.
Regardless of how you decide to start your worm box, putting the unused worms from your trips back in the box will help keep the worms ready to go for the next time you go fishing with worms.
I’ve heard it said that an acceptable ratio for a happy worm bin is 1 to 4. So let’s say that a 1/2 pound of worms would be happy in a box that was about 2 cubic feet. Remember too that worms need a good size surface area for oxygen to get to them.
Drill Some Holes
Also, for goodness sake, if you decide to start fishing with worms, don’t forget to drill some holes in the bottom and sides of your worm box for water drainage. This is also good for some air to get in, if your box is above ground. Newspaper ripped into strips helps to protect the worms and keep moisture in the ground.
Fishing with Worms is like a “Box” Lunch
There are plenty of companies that sell worm bedding and even food supplements for those who go fishing with worms. As with any living thing you care for, taking a little time to read up on it will insure a successful situation. This also applies to fishing with worms. Remember…fish don’t like dead worms. Give them a “box” lunch instead!
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